Sunday, November 4, 2012

Girls Day! Precious and Nala

It's just us girls now. Time now to focus on Nala and getting her used to the leash, the car, and making sure she has pawesome  new experiences. 

Since this was a beautiful day, I thought we'd just ride to the park, and maybe Nala could see how Precious walks.  When we got to the park, Nala was ready to walk... with Precious.

Nala, like the other dogs, puts a lot of trust in Precious and will do what she see's Precious doing. (most of the time)

They are both pretty focused on two dogs in the distance.  One on the leash, one not,.  I was very impressed with Nala's cool.  Precious is a great teacher.

After being a little freaked out about getting  in the car.  The walk in the park made Nala a very happy dog.

I can't tell you how proud I am of Precious.  She has taught each of the strays how to be an awesome pet.  Now that it's just her and Nala.  I think she's enjoying her role.

Nala has a hard time relaxing... still.  But she really enjoyed herself today.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww that was soooooo adorable!!!! Can Precious come and make my Dakota like walks? He is 5 yrs old and HATES them!

    Dakota's Den
